Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Writing Wednesday: Pinspiration

This Week's Theme: Printhia's Kinds, Cont.; Mers


In desperation to protect themselves and their families, the Mers traded their legs for fins.


Beautiful sunset with a glowing path in the Black Sea

They took to the seas, oceans, and deltas,


I love the webbing on the merman's arm.

Their are four groups that have the most renown in the Printhian world:


Sevan Bicakci - Octopus Pearl Jewelry Sculpture

The swift, pearl harvesting Agul of the south.



The mysterious, deep sea living Komchat, thought to be a myth, from the North,


The bunnehs. O.O

The long and warrior like Uroshia.


CGPortfolio - yuehui Tang

The clever and cunning Equita, who are always at odds with their cousins, the Nymphs.


한복 hanbok, Korean traditional clothes

They kept their Mother Race's love for ornamentation and long hair.

Keep on Writing!

God Bless,

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