Tuesday, June 25, 2013

First Writing Workshop!!!!

This last week I went to my first writing workshop, I had my first critique group, and I'm so excited!

Ever since last August I've been forcing myself  through the One Year Adventure Novel curriculum, fondly known as OYAN. I'm glad I'm doing it, because I've learned so much by it! Anyways, last week I went to their annual week long Summer Workshop. It was awesome! It was epic! There has to be a new word someone has made up that can describe it! I learned about story building, creating the illusion of reality, how my faith works into my stories via hope and redemption, plotting my stories effectively, and so much more! The speakers were Dan Schwaubauer, Jeff Gerke (aka Jefferson Scott), Jill Williamson, Mark Wilson (he's a community college professor who knows his stuff!), and Stephanie Morrill (she taught a few of the parent lectures). There is no way I'm not going next year! (Okay, only if God some how stops me, but I'm hoping that isn't likely. )

Our critique groups were named after Nebula (geek moment), mine was the Robin's Egg. My group mainly wrote science fiction (which is what I'm working on) with one time traveling story, a modern/fantasy/adventure thing (Even though we didn't know exactly how to categorize it, it was awesome! The author has a very fun and unique written voice), one fantasy, a sci fi treasure hunting story, and more that I can't remember at this time (my bedtime is really soon. . .). I got seven critiques that I'm stalling on going through (I'm holding my breath until I'm farther into my rough draft).

Writing is something that I love. I can see myself writing stories years into the future, it's just something that I do. If God doesn't lead me down any other paths, I'm about 95% certain that I'll be working on my writing skills until the day I die.

To God's Glory,

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