Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Writing Wednesday: Pinspiration

This week's Theme: Playground of Words


"More than two weeks ago, I finished up a one-act play--I did the final edit, hit the deadline, then heartily congratulated myself. In the days leading up to the deadline, I was writing 3+ hours eac..."

A writers most basic of tools, are words.


Finally! I hate when that happens!

Knowing words' meaning is of the up most importance.



Right next to proper usage,


Writing Tips  Deflate those Inflated Phrases



.Word Root of the Day

And the languages they come from.


Descriptive feelings

Bonus: I just can't get over how wonderful this chart is <3 p="">


Keep on Writing!

God Bless,

Sunday, July 26, 2015

A Step of Faith: Conflicsion Finds Conclusion

This is one of those ideas that I didn't care for at first, but have never let go.
Plus I don't like the title, but go figure.

Idea: Conflicsion Finds Conclusion

This is one of those ideas, that came from a picture, and a character jumped out and didn't let me go.
Those are so annoying. . .
But I really do like this character.
I didn't name him until recently, but his desperation and constant searching just haunted me.
His world breathed darkness, evil, and a thirst for something more, and I had nothing else to go off of.
If anything, it reminded me of how I felt after I read Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and the Scarlet Letter. . .
Maybe that's why I ended up giving him the background that I did.
Anyways, here we go.


Emlyn was born an outcast.
The oldest son of the local witch, Eithne Byrne, he was immediately labeled an outcast.
His life looked dark, and his mother was pushing him to join her in her practices.
Then, like a ray of possible light, a strange family came to town.
Their daughter, Anya, immediately became something that resembled everything that he could never be.
As time runs out for him to decide, he reaches out, hoping that he will make it out whole by daybreak.

Yeah. . .
Still lots of work, but it won't let me be.
Questions? Advice? Ideas? Anything is welcome. :)

Keep on Writing!

God Bless,

Shadow Wings: An Update

So I discovered that it has been two whole years since I wrote my first novel.

It has sat on my laptop, stewing, and waiting for me to notice it again.

As you probably noticed, I remembered about it a week or so ago, and pulled it up again.


It didn't feel like a completed story to me.
It bothered me, and now. . .

Now I decided to add on to it.

If you think of stories in three acts, like a play, Shadow Wings felt like it had just reached the beginning of the third act.

So guess what I'm doing with the rest of my summer?

I'm finishing up my story of course.

And I'm changing the point of view. . .
Writing in first person was nice for learning to concentrate on one person, but there was much that I left out because of it.
This is a first draft, after all, so I'm not going to complain too much now. . .
But it will be killer when it comes to editing it later.

Oh well.

I'm at least going somewhere. :)

Keep on Writing!

God Bless,

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A Step of Faith: Colors of Night

This time around: Colors of Night

I have this fascination with random things, and one of them is the aspect of color.
When I read The Giver by Lois Lowry, I was absolutely amazed that she took the idea of color and emotions going together, and how she applied that in her story.
How I didn't even catch it until-
Oh, hi bunny trail; I'll wave hi as you go by. . .
Sorry, back to my original train of thought before it derails.
Back up.
I basically took that fascination of color, added a couple of pictures I found online, and a dystopian/post-apocalyptic story emerged.
I haven't really done much with it, but here's what I have.


Iria was born into a world where color is used as a commodity, and is sold to the highest bidder.
Born with the gift of crafting colors into pictures, she was sold to a color house long ago.
Ciar was born into a world where color was taken away from the people, and only used as a form of torture.
He is a young guard in a high tech facility, who flinches at the sounds of the horror of color.
Until one night, Ciar dreams of a girl in beautiful color, and isn't afraid.
Separated, gifted, and now thought going insane, the two unlikely souls search for a way to cross realities before they are finished forever by those around them.

Okay, I had a bit of fun with writing that on the spot towards the end.
So what do you think?
Questions? Advice? Ideas? Anything is welcome. :)

Keep on Writing!

God Bless,

Writing Wednesday: Pinspiration

This Week's Theme: Printhia's Kinds, cont.: Sylph



More is known about the Sylph than the Satyrs


Narcissus, Caravaggio

A more outgoing group, they are known for their narcissistic behavior



They never claimed one location, instead they drifted in clans and hid amongst the other nations



They have even been known to claim to be gods and have lead cults



Their most telling sign, is their treasured full lace clothes that they wear ceremonially


Because of their superb ability to blend in, few are able to notice them before it's too late


Keep on Writing!

God Bless

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Writing Wednesday: Pinspiration

This Week's Theme: Printhia's Kinds, Cont.; Satyrs


Africa | Morocco, Haut Atlas, Imilchil, young Berber girls of Ait Haddidou tribe during the Wedding Moussem (festival) | Scanned from the National Geographic, January 1980 publication. | Article written by Carla Hunt, photographs by Nik Wheeler.

Satyrs have been spotted in the mountainous regions, and are said to bring trouble on settlements.


Yet others have said that they are great guides, and eager for companionship.


Mongolian Yourte interior style inspiration by ConfidentLiving

One of the rare writings on them states that they live in nomadic tents.


Two groups have been spotted so far and documented.



The Northern group


Specialty-stitched coat from Alabama Chanin

The Southern group


Many brave men have tried to befriend them, but with so little known about them, few have succeeded.


Keep on Writing!

God Bless

Monday, July 13, 2015

It Was My First

During my senior year in high school, I wrote my first complete story.
I followed a curriculum, that instructed me to write a twelve chapter adventure novel, and I discovered something.

I love creating stories.

I could see myself doing this, for years to come, and never get tired of it.
It used all of my loves, of culture, creation, and individuality in people/characters.
It pushed my mind constantly, forcing me to always learn and prod different possibilities and solutions.
I could play with the impossible, and make it possible.
I was certain that was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

Then hit reality.

My story never felt complete.

My first novel, Shadow Wings, followed the curriculum exactly.
Twelve chapters.
Each chapter had a goal that accomplished something.
The characters were developed and used accordingly.
It was shorter than I wanted, at about twenty thousand words, instead of the fifty plus that the others who had completed the curriculum had.

And something was missing.

I now know, that as it was my first novel, there was a lot of potential, but by following the curriculum to a t, I left a lot of potential out of it.

I'm a rule follower, and so when someone lays down boundaries, I seldom cross them.

I think that if I had followed the story down the road it wanted to go down, it would have gone on a lot longer.
It should never have stopped after Kallie, my main character, reached the prison planet.
There was, and still is, a huge potential of a longer story.
In fact, lately I've taken to looking at the possibility of creating multiple stories from this.

Maybe a novella playing around with Hosea and Alondra's young, lovely, and tragic story.
Or a short story about how Guthrie came to be the deadly man he is, yet still so feeling compared to his comrades.
Or how about Abigail?
I tried to turn Kallie's story into hers, and it isn't working.
Not to mention Merle, and why she is so important.

Writing my first sort of story, I discovered how much I had to learn.
That even though I love creating the story, I still had so much to learn to write it.

Shadow Wings was my first story, and yes, I still love it in its incompleteness.

Maybe one day, I can mold it into its full potential.

Keep on Writing!

God Bless,

Sunday, July 12, 2015

A Step of Faith: Carousel Song

I am bored today, so here's the next idea: Carousel Song

This one actually has been lingering with me for a long time.
When I was younger (I don't even remember how old I was. . .), I read a picture book that was about a carousel that came alive at night.
That idea stayed with me for a very long time, and when I was a teenager I combined it with two (possibly three) things that I love: Family, and Sci-Fi/Fantasty.
I didn't like the idea of creating the one cliche (to me at least) single main character, who just falls in love with another sub-main character, when they were in their mid teens, like I was then.
I wasn't even in a place or position to even start thinking about what having a boyfriend would be like, so in hind sight, I don't blame my teenage self.
So. . . 
Here it is, after the many evolutions it has gone through.

Carousel Horses by Anne Wipf
This reminds me of the book that originally inspired this, but it isn't quite like it. . .

The two main characters are sisters, Melvina and Skye.
Their father is the keeper of the carousel that is in their town.
They have known for many years, that the carousel was special, they just didn't know how.
The day after Skye's (some teen number) birthday, she is introduced to how to take care of the carousel with her sister and father.
That night, she learns their family's secret: The carousel is alive.
The horses, of all kinds and colors, become alive after (some yet to be determined time)
For some unknown reason, her father disappears without a reason that same night.
They find (a communication of some sort) that informs them about something (not really decided, but something about their father. . .).
They discover somehow that the horses actually act as guards of a kind to other worlds and realms, and one of them has gone missing.
The over arching premise is to find their father.
The story is broken down into twenty-six short episodes, I guess you can put it.
Originally, they were just stories of modern girls exploring my imaginary worlds, but then last year I came up with the episode/chapter titles, and that gave them more of a plot.
I'm actually thinking that this might be the stories that I work on during the rest of this summer. . .

Questions? Advice? Ideas? Anything is welcomed! :)

Keep on Writing!

God Bless

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

A Step of Faith: Becoming a Gentleman

Well, it's past time for me to do another one of these.

My next idea (type, thing) is: Becoming a Gentleman 

I started this one when I first started to play around with the Steam Punk genre.
I personally don't see much in it yet, but I still love the title and the feel of it.
Oh yes, I don't think of these ideas/stories as one dimensional thought, but with all my senses.
This one in particular feels like old supple leather and smells of black tea that was steeped too long.
I never really sat down and wrote down any of my thoughts on this, but I'll try to remember all that I can.
(Self, please don't forget to do that again. . .)


(MC) was some kind of street kid, who was snagged off the street by someone (or maybe an organization???).
He decides to go into the police force, especially as he sees himself as a fairer officer towards his fellows.
When he finally gets his badge, he is immediately moved to a finer district and put on a watch for a grand mansion.
There was something about assassins as well, and someone with spy information that needed to be kept guarded.
And for some reason, there was nobility and upper class stuff that he had to learn.

Really self, why didn't you write this one down?
Oh well.
There it is.
All that I can remember about it.

(Oh, all of my picture story ideas are kept on my computer, and automatically alphabetized, so. . . expect all future story ideas from A-Z :D )

Questions? Advice? Ideas? Anything is welcome! :)

Keep on Writing!

God Bless,

Writing Wednesday: Pinspiration

This week's theme: Printhia's Kinds, cont.; Air Elthian



From the fifth and last Brother, came the Air Elthian.


#bridge #stone #Bridge_of_Immortals #China #gorge #cliffs #rock

Little is known of where they disappeared to.


Dark eyes instead.

When they do appear, they are known to be tricksters, and not to be trusted.


Their women are cunning, and skilled in their mysterious arts.


It has been rumored that two sub-races have developed from them, though few has survived to confirm.



The mysterious Satyrs,



And the devious Sylph.


Keep on Writing!

God Bless,

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Writing Wednesday: Pinspiration

This Week's Theme: Printhia's Kinds, Cont; Nymphs



In a search for complete peace, the Nymphs distanced themselves from all the other civilizations.


They sought wetlands and moors to make their homes.


They founded five havens of learning.


The quick Cirra.


Organic Clothing - Below Knee Tie Belt Cardigan (hemp/organic cotton knit). $140.00, via Etsy.

The common Tostra.


The kind Mulus


The vague Lonimi


Whispering waters | Flickr

The thoughtful Tratus


Northern Water Elf?

Their search of peace belies their skill with weaponry, making them great allies, and terrifying enemies.


Keep on Writing!

God Bless,