Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Writing Wednesday Pinspiration

This week's theme: If you give a writer a pen.

If you give a writer a pen
Fountain Pens

She'll want some paper to go with it.

If you give her some paper
My sister bought this for me for my birthday, and I love it! :D

She'll want a cup of tea
High Tea

If you give her a cup of tea
Tea and books ♥

She'll want a piece of chocolate
yes chocolate does help! It releases endorphins in the body, also known as the happy hormone, more happy = less pain!!

If you give her a piece of chocolate
Green & Black's Dark Chocolate by Mowie Kay, via Flickr

She'll want some plot bunnies
Attack of the Plot Bunnies | Divine Writer

When you give her some plot bunnies
I need this.

She'll want a pen to go with
PHOTO: Quill pen and pewter inkwell

Yes, I had fun creating this one!

Keep on Writing!

God Bless