Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Writing Wednesday: Pinspiration

This Weeks Theme: A touch of Villainy

A villain should never be idle. . .
In fact, no one should ever be idle.

Neron Towers, he needs another story too. I like his name. :D
There is a story behind this fella, I just haven't found it yet.

Medieval Assassin by *Kat-von-Rose
A yesh, an assassin.
Not always a villain, but a 'stereotypical' villain none the less.

Dark places. . .


Rules for a Gentleman, #37
Yes she does.
(Is guilty of having a few female villains who are like that)

Ten Tips for a Terrific Antagonist
This one actually links to a post on the "Ten Top Tips for an Antagonist".
Tips are always useful.

No right and wrong.
There is so much truth behind this one that it isn't funny.


Really, I had a lot of fun with this post.

Keep on Writing!

God Bless,

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