So, I've decided to enter a writing contest. The reason is because this is the last year that I'll ever be able to enter this certain contest. The deadline is August 15. I'm writing this post in between 'Self Word Wars'. To say the least, I'm burning out on writing, which is a first for me. Then again, writing five chapters in general is a first for me. Yes, I have written five chapters. Number six is in progress.
Chapter Four: This one is still kind of partial, I haven't quite finished a few scenes. . . AKA I've left time holes that I need to finish before I can officially call it all the way written.
Chapter Five: This chapter is the first chapter where I pretty much sat down and wrote all twelve pages of it in one night. Within about four hours with stops for supper and helping my mom when she asked for me too, I'd finished writing it. I'm not sure how I did it, but I did.
Chapter Six: I'm in big burnout mode right now. I've written bits of scenes here and there. I've written close to a thousand words in total of those bits and pieces. I'm currently feeling rather lost as to some of the scenes, mainly because they have to do with a lot of pain, hardship, sorrow, all-of-those-things-that-I-detest-but-will-make-my-story-better-if-I-add-them stuff. I can write it. I can write it. I can write it.
Over all, I've added a character I didn't know I needed, possibly will be throwing some out, have found out a few surprises that I hope will work in my story, and I've almost reached the halfway point.
Chapter Four Word Count: 2,330
Chapter Five Word Count: 2,264
Chapter Six (unofficial) Word count: 1,123
Total so far: 11,966
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