Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Writing Wednesday: Pinspiration

This Week's Theme: Printhia's Kinds, Cont.; Fae


Butterfly effect... - This is just screaming Fae at me. :)

From their innate desire to protect their domain, came the Fae. 


The Flowering Fields…

They crept into forested and fertile lands, and built their civilizations.


The Blue Fairy by Jean-Baptiste Monge

Of the many that arose, four took the lead.



The Andraeac civilization took root in the mountains, and are a very hearty group.



The Olytri civilization started in one of the vast forests and quickly spread, making them one of the most renown, second only to the RioSida. 


Male Fae?

The RioSida civilization started as a small war-like group, and through their conquests became the biggest and most renown of all the Fae civilizations.


The Traphis civilization started in a more tropical location, and are known as fair merchants, great scholars, and superb farmers.


The Fae kept their mother race's love for music, arts, and laughter, even in their warfare.


Keep on Writing!
God Bless,

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Writing Wednesday: Pinspiration

This Week's Theme: Printhia's Kinds cont.; Earth Elthian


cool photo

The second oldest Brother chose the element of Earth



His descendants traveled everywhere


They became best known as entertainers, artisans, and thieves.


raggedy mauve

Their women were known to be frugal and artistic.



Over time they spread out, and two sub-races developed from the Earth Elthian.


Butterfly effect... - This is just screaming Fae at me. :)

The self righteous, plant guarding winged Fae,



And the shifty, metal working Pixies.


Keep on Writing!

God Bless,

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Writing Wednesday: Pinspiration

This Week's Theme: Printhia's Kinds cont.; Fire Elthian, Drakes



Born from a great greed and a hatred of their cousins, the Drake's came from the Fire Elthian.


Early morning at The Treasury, Petra, Jordan

They disappeared into the deserts, where hidden merchant cities appeared.


There are three known warring clans.


The Sennika, who it is rumored has Pixie blood running in their veins.


The Marsenaw, who claim to be a clan from the gods.



The Ashani, who claim to have found the secrets of the shadows and stars.


Bedouin in the desert around Timbuktu.

They have continued the head covering traditions started by their mother race.


Keep on Writing!

God Bless