Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Writing Wednesday Pinspiration

The Four Types of Writers
Heh. I used to be a typical writer. Now I'm a College Student Writer; I dream of writing but rarely get the chance. :)

you keep using that word i do not think it means what you t - Author Schwabauer
Yeah. . .

Sword.  ^^

*cough* Audriana *cough*

Very true.
Yup. True story. 

Make it happen.

Keep on writing!
God Bless,

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Adventure is Out There!

Adventure is out there! ~ Ellie, Up

Ellie - 'Up' (2009)

Well, that is very true. 
(I shall always love the movie Up.)
It (er, meaning adventure) manifests itself in many forms, including writing, daily activities, work, friends, trips, and school. 
My problem is, those are leaving little room for Blogging or very much writing. 
I'm not stopping all together, oh no. That would be a disaster. 
(My charries would kill me if I tried to stop; just the other day they pounced on me for seriously wondering/thinking about not working on my book at all. You know, just dropping it. Nope, that's not happening.) 

Why am I mentioning this? 
Because there is a very, as in very, large possibility that I will disappear for a few months. 

Oh, I might still schedule the Writing Wednesday Pinspirations, partly as they are so fun to put together, partly as something so that my blog won't go completely dead. 

But there is real life that's calling me to adventure (well, really adventureS), and I want to answer the call. 
Especially as I'm currently at college, and right now I'm losing precious study hours writing this up. 
I think that this is important though, as I was starting to beat myself up about not posting more. 
Maybe next time I start up again I'll actually start posting on helpful writing stuff, not just updates on how my own writing is going. 

Well, see you later in cyberspace! 


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Writing Wednesday Pinspiration

A thing must be loved before it is lovable.
One of my favorite pins that I've found.

Strongest souls.


Guilty. . .

This is so true, and it drives me nuts about people. IT'S STILL EVIL NO MATTER HOW GOOD LOOKING THEY ARE!!
One of my favorite quotes!

Inspiration and truth.

Keep on writing!
God Bless,

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Writing Wednesday Pinspiration

Explanation for vacant look. . . ha ha ha!

This is going on my bedroom door. It's official.

I have to keep reminding myself that. . . -_-
Good to remember. . .

Sure, sure...
Love Mr. S!

"Don't you dare give up."
I don't think I ever could. Or if I did, my characters would high jack my body or brain something like that. 

Keep on writing!
God Bless

Monday, September 9, 2013

Another Journey has Begun (A fast update on my writing)

One Book Aside

As I've mentioned before, I've finished the first draft of Shadow Wings. 
It's on the wait shelf until sometime in November (when I hopefully have time to look over it again). 
When I do my read through on it, I'll also be looking for ideas for the sequel, Shadow Sky, that I might possibly be able to use. 
Otherwise I'm just looking for things that I pretty much already know (which includes a plot twist that I've finally decided to use, even though I've been letting it stew in the back of my mind since I began working on the sequel). 
That isn't all. 

Another One Found

I've begun working on another story idea, completely leaving the fascinating realm of Science Fiction and entering instead the mysterious realm of Fantasy. 
Enter the story idea The Gypsy Gift (Title liable to change). 
Based off of the idea that the use of magic slowly killing you, and visible in your hair (weird, I know. Until I saw some pictures on Pinterest that made me think 'Oh, that works.' Love Pinterest). 
My so far cliche Main Character is the Princess Darina, with the Anti-Hero being the Highway Man Jedrek. 
The two villains are siblings Casimir and Nika. 
The world is based off of Roman-or-older Era Europe, mainly Germany and France regions. 
I hope to be able to have the time later to post pictures, a longer explanation of the story plot, world, and all of that. 
The Gypsy Gift - I didn't know. I didn't know what Dad had done. I didn't know that the little trinket from the Gypsy's Box would weigh so much on my countries future. I didn't know.
Taken from Pinterest, the Inspiration of my Current Novel

One (still) in the Works

My so far favorite world, is still in the works. 
I haven't been purposefully working on it (college. . . Homework. . . You get the picture) but I have a tendency to read something and play with it in my head. 
Well, here's an example; A fire elf is immune to fire to a point, hence burning one is next to impossible. But what about hot water? Would that still effect them? 
Do you see my point? 
My mind drives me crazy with the questions and ideas it comes up with. 
I guess it's a blessing from God, but I find it to be a distraction at times (which is logical as I am a fallen being, hence even the good can become bad). 
Fire elf?
Found on Pinterst, Inspiration for a Fire Elf

One Hundred Words a Day

That will not work out until probably sometime next year (New Year's Resolution?). 
I long so much to work on my writing, but until I get into good habits with my studying, I'm going to be pushing that aside. 
I'm not giving up on writing or working on stories for the rest of this year (in fact, I've already messed up some homework because I was looking for info on a story instead of my homework. . .), but it's just not being made the highest priority as it had been earlier this year. 
Besides, God gave me the blessing of having completed one novel this year (no matter how short), I now know that I can complete another given the time. 
I just don't have the time now. 

Thanks for listening to another rather long ramble!